Thursday, February 7, 2013

All on a Monday

Was it just last week that my "tech" life was functioning as usual?  I was on Facebook off and on all day, posting, commenting and liking.  My laptop was working as best it could for what all it has been through, all my messages and texts were positive and I was enjoying life in the free world, but then Monday happened.  Actually, it started Saturday night.  I was reading a message from an old friend and notice of another message popped up. That message was from a family member that I hadn't talked with in awhile.  After reading his message, I wished he'd waited even longer. I guess he was having a bad day and directed it all at me.  I came out of that with hurt feelings and nothing I could do about it.  My husband and two sons urged me to take a Facebook vacation, which I didn't want to do, so I waited awhile on Monday before I got on the Internet.  As soon as I did, weird things started popping up.  People I wasn't FB friends with started showing up telling me they had Wal-Mart vouchers for me or they could get me a free iPad.  I ignored them because I had something to look up before I got on Facebook. Before I could do a search, a page came up saying, ATTENTION! You are a criminal! It went on to say I had been caught with child pornography on my computer which was a crime that included 7 to 9 years jail time. also, my computer was locked and the only way I could get it unlocked was to buy a MoneyPak at Wal-Mart for 200.00. It was signed by the FBI. first, I knew it was a scam because I do not have child porn on my computer and second you never send money to some site you don't know anything about.  The whole thing screamed, "don't touch this." My computer was indeed locked and while I was sitting there contemplating my next move, eating pizza and drinking a Sprite Zero, my web cam took my picture and placed that picture on the FBI letter.  I was freaking out.  It was a good picture and how did my web cam know when I was sitting in front of it's lens? What was going to happen to that photo?  Was it going straight to the post office top ten fugitives board or would it appear on Americas Most Wanted?  
I have a tech person that I depend on, so I gave him a call and he too was amazed with the picture   taking episode, but he said he'd look at my computer and try to clean it up.  I was a victim of the MoneyPak/FBI malware virus.  So I ended up on a Facebook vacation anyhow.  I deactivated my account, but it wouldn't go quietly. I had to deactivate it 3 times before it actually worked. I had decided if it didn't deactivate by the third try, it was an omen meaning, keep Facebook.  

Next, I got an email from Wal-Mart saying my Site to Store order was ready for pick-up.  I hadn't ordered anything from WM so I called the Berea Store.  Seems I had a CD to be picked up at my convenience, price 2.88. What?  Who would order something for that amount and have it shipped to the store.  The person at Berea gave me the Corporate Headquarters number and said he would put the cheap CD back on the shelf.  The people at the big house said actually I owed 173.00.  Whoever had stolen my identity had bought a gift card along with the CD.  Wal -Mart said they would handle it for me and I would be getting papers to fill out. Then I called the credit card company who also took the charge off. It's hard for me understand how someone used my credit card while it was still in my purse.  

Finally, Monday came to an end.  At this writing, I am having Facebook withdrawal, can't quit looking behind my back for the FBI and my credit card has been canceled. 


  1. girl.. you must share my black cloud. I know for sure we are related. Love you! Keep blogging, love it.

    your Ohio cousin.

    1. I will keep blogging. I have a lot to tell. Glad you liked it. Glad to have you on my side.

  2. Love you my zumba friend and now I understand what was going on.

  3. well young lady you sure are damn good at story telling keep up the good work your freind

  4. You have real talent writing. Ever thought of writing a book?.

    Ron, Afghanistan

  5. Goodness gracious lady! What a bunch of odd happenings! I hope you're done with all the wierdness happening to you. Love ya Myrna. I know it has been a really long time since I have seen you or talked to you but I feel closest to my Brodhead ties. Most of my best memories are from there. High school and after too. I hope someday I can see some of my old friends. Take care..glad you're back on FB., :)
